My progenitors came to America from Scandinavia and I feel so connected with my heritage. Even my company name is influenced by these roots: "Blomstra" means "flourish" or "bloom" in Swedish. To me, this translation not only refers to flowers, but to people as well. I believe we as humans flourish and bloom when we love and are loved in return.
My maiden name is Westerberg, which means "west of the mountain" in Swedish, and although I live east of the Cascades, my design style is heavily influenced by the Nordic countries.
I'm inspired by literature and music consistently, and if you look closely you can often see elements of the last book I read or the music I'm currently listening to displayed in my designs in one way or another. I'm always inspired also by my fellow humans, nature, and love.
"When the flowers speak, I listen."
I took a class at the Floral Design Institute in Portland several years ago and I fell in love. I spent the next several years traveling with my husband, Scott, and living in several places across the country. I learned much of what I know about floral design from one of the DC Metro area's best floral designers.
When we moved back to Oregon to start our family, I knew I wanted to own my own floral company and work with flowers for people's most special events. I went back to the Floral Design Institute and in March 2019, I became a Certified Wedding Floral Specialist! I've been working with flowers since 2012 and have over spent over 20.000 hours studying floral design, becoming an expert floriographer using the language of flowers, and working with these gorgeous blooms.